What is a Travel Award?
RSVP Travel Awards help to defray the costs of travel to RSVP’s annual conference for those
who do not have access to other sources of funding to support such travel. RSVP strives to
spread the awards as widely as possible while ensuring they offer meaningful support for
each recipient.
Our Graduate Student travel awards are named in memory of Barbara Quinn
Schmidt and Josef Altholz, who were both pioneers in periodical studies and longtime active
members. The William Scheuerle Travel Awards, named in honor of a founding member of
RSVP and former editor of VPR, support independent and retired scholars to attend the
RSVP conference.
How do I apply?
You will be asked to indicate if you want to be considered for an RSVP Graduate Scholar or
Independent Scholar/Retiree Award once your proposal is accepted for the conference.
There is no separate application form.
Who decides on these Awards?
These awards are adjudicated by the members of the conference programme committee.
How are the Awards Decided?
If there are more applications for travel support than finances available, the conference
programme committee ranks conference abstracts according to:
(1) Originality/Significance/Potential of proposed topic
(2) Clarity and Cohesion of Proposal
The committee strives to support as many applicants as possible. Award amounts may differ
based on the distance applicants have to travel. If you have received a Travel Award in the
previous two years, applications from first-time recipients may be prioritised.
When will I hear if I have received a Travel Award?
Your request for funding will be considered according to the broad criteria set out above
and the programme chair will communicate all decisions on awards approx. 8 weeks after
the conference submission deadline.
When will I receive my Travel Award?
Award recipients can receive their funding in advance of the conference to support travel
arrangements or by cheque at the conference. If the recipient is not in a position to travel to
the conference, then the award is not paid.