Research Resources


The world of 19th century periodicals from Britain and its empire is vast and dispersed. This page is designed to get you started — or reengaged — with links to online collections of periodicals, databases of contributors, and histories of select periodicals. (This resource page has been compiled by Patrick Leary, former president of RSVP, in 2024).

RSVP also supports several bibliographic projects. Every four years, Victorian Periodicals Review publishes a Bibliography. In addition, Rosemary VanArsdel, one of RSVP’s founding members and a past president, compiled a bibliography in 1999; the VanArsdel Bibliography has been updated (with the help of RSVP members Solveig C. Robinson, Patrick Leary, Laurel Brake, Marysa Demoor, and Julie F. Codell) most recently in 2010. Finally, though not a bibliography, we direct readers to the organization’s Colby Book Prize winners for additional direction.

On the resource lists below, each item is tagged to indicate whether it is:

  • OA – open access
  • IS – available by individual subscription
  • PW – paywalled for all but institutional subscribers

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